There are no "must always, must never" rules to writing resumes. Resumes are marketing documents meant to open doors for interviews. How they are written and formatted depends entirely on who will be reading the document on the receiving end - your target audience. So the resume your best friend, co-worker, former boss, or the person down the street "who looks at resumes all the time" has used or prefers is likely not relevant to your situation. Besides, the objective of the resume is for you to stand out, not blend in with thousands of other resumes. Contemporary resumes are active, value-driven documents written to tell prospective employers how you will increase revenue for their company, save it money, or change internal process that effect the bottom-line. Content is essential, but documents must be visually engaging and tell stories that draw in readers and keeps them wanting to learn more about the candidate's background.
We're in the process of updating our resume samples, so please check back soon for new designs.